Do You Need a Commercial General Liability Umbrella? The purpose of business insurance is to protect your income-generating enterprise from a slew of potential legal and financial issues. Commercial General Liability policies are no different. These policies provide coverage in the event of four situations: Bodily injury claims Property damage claims Personal injury claims, and advertising... ❯❯❯
Auto insurance companies and their independent agents want to sell you a policy and all the optional coverage they can. The more insurance they sell, the more money they make. While many of these optional types of coverage are useful, it is important to decide whether all of the coverage types offered are truly needed for you to be adequately protected behind the wheel. Every state has laws... ❯❯❯
As the prices for everything continue to rise, many people are struggling to be able to afford any kind of vacation in today's economy. If you do invest a big amount of your family budget into a vacation or take some other kind of trip, you are essentially taking a very big risk. In order to mitigate this risk, you have the option of purchasing travel insurance. This type of insurance can provide... ❯❯❯
Buying life insurance is one of the best moves you can make to protect your family's financial security. You may provide for your loved ones now, but this may change one day. In addition to paying for funeral costs and any medical expenses you may leave behind, life insurance can provide your family with a source of funds that can be used to cover daily needs and to pay for their future plans... ❯❯❯
Life insurance is something that is misunderstood by many people. Right from the offset many people simply don't understand what the purpose of life insurance is and they question why they would want to get paid lots of money after they've died and are no longer around to enjoy it. Of course that's not the point of life insurance, and not the point at all. The point of life insurance is that this... ❯❯❯
Choosing auto insurance coverage is a balancing act between obtaining the most possible coverage while still getting affordable rates. Many drivers feel that their insurance rates are dependent on only a few select factors. However, monthly premiums are calculated based on numerous statistics and demographic categorizations. Vehicle owners will be charged according to three main risk categories.... ❯❯❯
Parents go out of their way to ensure that their children are provided for in everyday life. Food, clothing, shelter, warmth and love are the essentials that every child gets from their parents in order to enjoy a happy and healthy childhood. While most parents would go out of their way to provide their children with whatever they need, there may come a time when that is no longer possible.... ❯❯❯
If you’ve got a recreational vehicle, or RV, you’ve made an expensive investment. It’s understandable that you would want to protect it to the best of your ability. While you’ll want to protect your vehicle itself, you’ll also want to be sure to protect its contents. What is RV insurance? RV insurance protects your recreational vehicle and its contents should you be involved in a collision. RV... ❯❯❯
Health insurance is an expense that, paradoxically, most of us can’t afford to be with out. However, there are a number of easily actionable ways that you can reduce the premiums you might be expected to pay. Here are just five methods you should consider; Raise the Deductible The deductible is the amount that you have to cover at your own expense before your insurance kicks in when an expense... ❯❯❯