Insurance Guide (Page 19)

Whole vs. Term Life Insurance: Why Your Choice Matters

Whole vs. Term Life Insurance: Why Your Choice MattersLife insurance is a vital part of your family's long-term financial plan. In essense, life insurance is a means to protect your family and loved ones from the financial consequences of your death. But there are many different options and policies available, and deciding which is right for you can be a hair-pulling experience. One of the first steps in determining which life insurance policy best... ❯❯❯

Travel Insurance for a Round-The-World Trip

Travel Insurance for a Round-The-World TripTravel insurance can be a very wise investment before you leave on any trip. However, it can be particularly vital before you start a major, multi-month, round-the-world tour. Securing the proper travel insurance for this type of trip includes several unique considerations that you should keep in mind. Getting them taken care of in advance, however, can make it much easier for you to relax and... ❯❯❯

Factors to Consider When Purchasing Car Insurance

The entire point of purchasing auto insurance is to have coverage in case you get into a collision regardless of whose fault it was. While all of us have the same reason for purchasing car insurance, policies are not created equal and no single policy can cater to every imaginable situation. In order to maximize the benefits you stand to receive from your policy, here are some of the factors to... ❯❯❯

Insurance Companies Helping to Cut the Cost for Young Drivers

The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) announced in May this year that the Competition Commission would be studying the car insurance market which the OFT views as dysfunctional.  Whatever the findings, it seems likely that those subject to the highest premium in the UK insurance market are not likely to benefit hugely.  Young driver’s car insurance is well known for being high and, as it reaches... ❯❯❯

6 Tips for Lowering your Car Insurance

6 Tips for Lowering your Car InsuranceDriving a car is one of the biggest expenses a person has. When you consider the cost of repaying the loan used to purchase the vehicle, gas and maintenance and then add on top of all that, the cost of insuring the vehicle and its drivers, the total really adds up, easily costing between $10 and $20,000 a year. You can eliminate this expense all together by ditching your ride and using public... ❯❯❯

Getting Your Mobile Phone Covered

The importance of mobile phone insurance cannot be denied. Every year hundreds upon thousands of mobile phones are lost, stolen or damaged, and as technology becomes more and more essential to our everyday lives, we need to make sure that we are covered for all these areas. We all know how expensive these phones are to replace, and a great number of us just don’t have that kind of cash at our... ❯❯❯

Insurance: What's Not to Love!

Automotive insurance often evokes a diverse range of emotions depending on the individual. Some people don’t mind insurance as they value the peace of mind that insurance offers and they are willing to pay a premium for it. Others feel insurance is an unfortunate necessity of life, that consistently attacks their checking account. Regardless of one’s personal feelings towards automotive insurance... ❯❯❯

Why You Should Get Employment Protection Insurance

Why You Should Get Employment Protection InsuranceEmployment laws are nothing to tremble at if you are an employee. Their strict nature and the harsh penalties exacted strike a fearful chord in most business owners. These laws are meant to protect employees and guarantee their rights not to harass you. The problem is most managers and owners ignore some of the sections of employment law or they are not keen to know what the laws cover.... ❯❯❯

How To Save Money on Insurance for Homeowners

Homeowner’s insurance is an absolute necessity in safeguarding the value of your home. As a matter of fact, mortgage companies always ask for proof of coverage for the fair value of a property before making a loan. It is on this regard that a home insurance could well be expensive. If one lives in a high-risk area where the probability of natural disasters is higher, he will most likely pay more... ❯❯❯

Should You Buy Life Insurance for Your Newborn?

Trying to decide whether or not to buy life insurance coverage for your newborn child? There are pros and cons to buying life insurance for a newborn. You may want to ask whether or not you need life insurance for your newborn. Is it something you can afford? Are there other options that would better benefit your needs? It is important to explore the benefits of different options available to you... ❯❯❯

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