Insurance Guide (Page 16)

Top 5 Newborn Insurance Coverage Tips

It’s easy to assume that your insurance will cover pregnancy, childbirth, and pediatric care, but the truth is that this may not be the case. Some policies expressly deny maternity coverage while others make you jump through hoops in order to insure your newborn. The point is that you should not simply assume that your policy will extend to a child when you decide to start your family. You need... ❯❯❯

How to Reduce your Annual Car Insurance Premiums

While annual car insurance premiums are falling at a considerable rate in the UK, it can still be difficult for young, inexperienced or unfortunate drivers to access affordable coverage. The average cost of car insurance may have fallen by 9.8% since July 2012, but the fact remains that you have a responsibility as a motorist to seek out additional savings. How to Reduce your Annual Car... ❯❯❯

Repeat warnings for latest insurance scam

Criminals are always looking for a clever way to make a fast buck, and motor-insurance is targeted frequently. Many of us are not aware of the prevalence of such scams by fraudulent gangs. A shocking example of this is the recent scandal involving a bus, set up by organised criminals whereby 26 of the passengers went on to make fake claims complaining of whiplash. Flash for cash The latest... ❯❯❯

What Are the Penalties of Driving Without Auto Insurance?

Everyone knows that having auto insurance is a good idea because it protects your personal assets in the event of an automobile accident. Cars are expensive and the people inside them are fragile. Since being involved in a collision while traveling at high rates of speed can cause major damage to both vehicles and passengers, with resulting repairs and medical bills that could cost hundred,... ❯❯❯

The Importance of Shopping Around When Buying Auto Insurance

Insurance is necessary when you own and operate a vehicle, not only for legal reasons, but also for your own personal safety and security. While automobile insurance is essential, it doesn’t have to be unreasonably expensive nor do you have to give up the security of quality insurance or good customer service. It is wise to shop around to find the best deal before committing to the terms of an... ❯❯❯

Infographic: The World's Most Dangerous Roads

 Presented by  Ifaauto... ❯❯❯

Will Insurance Cover Treatment for Chronic Pain?

If you’ve recently started to experience chronic pain, you may be wondering how you’re going to pay for the process of visiting doctors until you discover the cause of your condition, not to mention trying myriad therapies and pharmaceuticals in an attempt to regain control over your life and continue living as normally as possible in the meantime. After all, you have to keep working if you want... ❯❯❯

What is a Structured Settlement?

When you come into a substantial sum of money, such as when you win the lottery, are awarded as a result of an accident or money left to you by a family member of friend, it can often be overwhelming and you find yourself doing one of two things: splashing the whole lot on extravagant and expensive items you could never have dreamed of owning; or putting it in the bank and wondering what on earth... ❯❯❯

Top 5 Insurance Sales Tips and Techniques

For the motivated seller with an outgoing and persuasive personality, insurance sales can offer a promising and rewarding career. But in the beginning, you’ll find that most of your day is wrapped up in the thankless job of making cold calls and trying to cultivate client relationships. This can be frustrating to say the least, especially considering that the amount of money you bring home is... ❯❯❯

Making the Switch to Liability Only

Car insurance is a necessary product for protecting you against large financial expenses if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident. It is also required by law in most states. Still, maintaining a car insurance policy can be costly. For this reason, you might be thinking of switching to a liability-only policy to save money on your auto insurance premiums. Before you make the switch to a... ❯❯❯

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