What To Look For When Shopping For New Auto Insurance

Shopping around for new auto insurance? It can be difficult to find what you want when there are so many options to choose from. If you’re a first time buyer it might be even more confusing for you. Read our advice and see if you can narrow down your search.

New Cars


If you’re buying a new car, we should stress now that you’ll need insurance. You need insurance even just to drive home from the dealership! Before you buy any car, start by checking you’re covered to be on the roads. You also want to be wary of the minimum amount of cover you need to take out meets requirements where you live.

Cheap Insurance

Insurance doesn’t have to be expensive but you cheapest is not always best. Looking at comparisons sites like Comparaencasa.com, it is tempting to choose the cheapest option. Often cover that seems alarmingly cheap won’t cover you for everything you need. Make sure you read the small print and check that the offer is not too good to be true. Compare what you get in the cheap deal to the more expensive ones. Saving a few coins now might sound great, but when you need your insurance you might find yourself in a sticky situation.

Leaving policies

When you leave one insurance policy to move to another, you need to follow the proper process. Many people will just ring up their insurer and expect the policy to cancel immediately. Whenever you sign up for a new policy, they will explain to you the cancellation process. It might be annoying to listen to or read, but it is important if you ever want to switch policies.


The excess fee on your policy is the amount of money you’ll have to pay to make a claim. Different companies will have higher or lower levels of excess. Make sure you choose a policy that has an affordable excess to you. Some policies may appear to be cheap on the surface, but have a much higher excess fee than others. If you know, it’s not going to be manageable, then it’s probably not the most appropriate cover for you.


When you buy any insurance, you’ll have to sign a lot of paperwork. It’s critical that you don’t skim over the details. Look out for anything that might cause you problems in the future and ask questions. If you notice something you need isn’t in your policy, it’s best that you pick up on it at this stage. Many of the details mentioned in this post will be in your contract. But you won’t know if you don’t read it!

Whenever you’re shopping for insurance, you’ll be able to speak to the provider for advice. You’ll even be able to ask them for any other discounts and extras that you can add to your policy. Don’t just take their word for it, see what other providers say and even ask family and friends for recommendations.

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